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Is an optometrist an actual doctor?

optometrist Canberra

optometrist Canberra

Though every organ of the body is important, the eyes are the most important ones. Hence, it is essential to take good care of them. When there is any problem with the vision, choosing an eye care provider would be a crucial health care decision.

You will trust the eye specialist to safeguard the precious sense of sight. However, the first important step is to understand the various categories of eye care specialists and their expertise.

Interestingly, all of them begin with the letter ‘O’.

  • Ophthalmologist
  • Optometrist
  • Optician

In this blog, we will be talking about the Optometrist Canberra. Many people have misconceptions about him. Some people do not consider him a doctor.

What is an optometrist?

When you search on the Internet with a query, find the best Optometrist near me, you get thousands of pages. Are there so many optometrists in the city? Are all of them legitimate?

Well, you have to do some research on that.

An optometrist is an eye care professional, who has earned a degree in his subject-Optometry. He can examine his eyes for vision problems as well as general health issues.

He corrects refractive errors by prescribing glasses and contact lenses.

Sometimes, optometrists offer vision therapy and low vision care also.

Is an optometrist a doctor?

An optometrist is trained in the diagnosis and treatment of vision-related problems, but they can prescribe Schedule 2,3 or 4 medicines from a list maintained by the Optometry Board of Australia.

This list includes anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, and anti-glaucoma drugs. They can prescribe other medicines used in the diagnosis and treatment of eye problems.

The list approved by OBA is known as the ‘common list’. It can be found in the OBA registration standard.

An authorized optometrist can obtain, possess, administer, and prescribe any drug from the list for topical use.

You can find these medicines at every approved Optical store Canberra. Except for a few drugs, you can obtain everything based on the prescription of an optometrist.

He can participate in the pre-and post-operative care after the eye surgery performed by an ophthalmologist. They are not trained and licensed to perform the actual surgery.

Searching for an expert optometrist

The internet can become a great source of finding out an expert optometrist in the city. You can find the best Optometrist Canberra near me and book an appointment. It is better to search for one that is located near your home.

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