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What is the Difference between the Bathroom Tiles and Kitchen Tiles?

The difference between the bathroom tiles and kitchen tiles

Tiles are one of the most-liked flooring in the house. They are pretty, elegant and convenient. Since the tiles are available in the full range of colors, finishes, and patterns, you have the full freedom of picking the best bathroom tiles for your dream home.

When one selects the tiles, it is essential to think about the specific room you are looking for. Is it for the bathroom or kitchen or living room?

Why is it important? Because the functionality and benefits of each type of tile are different. Therefore, choosing the right flooring is a little bit challenging. One should have keen eyes for detail.

Are you confused about the best way of picking the right tiles? Well, this blog will help.

For the kitchen, you have to be particular

Your kitchen is prone to spills, stains, and dirt. It is because the type of work performed there.

Hence, you must pick tiles that are elegant and beautiful, yet they are easy to clean. Also, they should be sturdy enough to bear the heavy footfall throughout the day.

The floor tiles in a kitchen can be ceramic, natural stone or vitrified. It depends on how much budget do you want to spend?

Make sure you use slightly anti-skid finish in case of natural stone, and not the mirror finish. The chances of accidents are more in the mirror finish.

Considering the exposure to dust, oil and stains; ceramic tiles are ideal for kitchen walls. You can match the shade with the floor tiles.

If you are choosing ceramic tiles for the floor, then you can either use the same tiles or some matching design and pattern.

Choosing tiles for the bathroom

The functionality of the bathroom is entirely different from the kitchen. Hence, you have to spend some time in selecting the right tiles.

Exposure to water, moisture, and dirt are quite prominent in the bathroom. Hence, the tile you choose must have sustainability against these factors.

Most importantly, the flooring has to be anti-skid or anti-slip as the floor is wet most of the time. Nowadays, you can find superior-quality anti-skid or anti-slip tiles in porcelain, ceramic or natural stone.

As far as design and detaining are concern, you can use from the full spectrum of diversified choices.

Thus, it is clear that the specifications are totally different for kitchen and bathroom tiles. Don’t make the mistake of choosing the same tiles for both. Use the information and pick the right tiles.

If you are looking to buy the best kitchen tiles and bathroom tiles in Adelaide then please visit International Ceramics or call us at 08 8431 6777.

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