How To Know When To Remove a Tree?
Signs It Might Be Time to Remove Your Tree
We all love trees and that is the reason we put efforts into growing and maintaining them. However, at times, situations turn differently and we have to take the tough decision of tree removal in Adelaide. Indeed, we do it when it is inevitable.
Sometimes, the tree becomes a hindrance. Sometimes, it becomes a threat to the safety of people and property. In some cases, the tree gets infected by some disease. Not only that it affects the growth and existence of the infected tree, but it is a risk of infection to other trees as well. Therefore, you have to call the removal service.
The problem is when to remove the tree. How to know when to remove it?
Well, here are some signs.
Is the tree not healthy?
When you need to call a tree removal company, it is essential to decide first whether the tree is healthy or not. The rule of thumb is, if the tree is damaged more than 50 percent, then you must remove it. The chances of its survival are very less.
You should look at the trunk. If the main trunk is majorly affected, then there is no point in keeping the tree. If the damage to the trunk is less than 25 percent, then you can give the tree a chance.
Is the tree hollow?
When there is an issue with the main life support tissue, the tree will have major issues. The xylem and phloem of a tree are on the outer edges of the trunk. Many trees will live for years with hollow trunk. The issue is when the trunk loses its strength. A tree with one-third of the interior of the tree is hollow or rotten has to be removed.
If it is a palm tree, then you will have to call a specialized palm tree removal in Adelaide service. It is because the removal of palm trees requires special skills. A hollow palm tree will be removed by the service provider.
Are there large dead branches?
Are there large dead branches with the tops broken? If yes, then the tree is a risk to the property and people. You should call the removal service immediately and get the tree removed. Also, do not forget to call stump removal in Adelaide because a rotten stump is a source of problems.
Check whether the tree in your garden has these symptoms ad then decide.
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