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Upgrading Your Hot Water System: Repair or Replace?

Upgrading Your Hot Water System: Repair or Replace?

Electric hot water systems in Adelaide are popular for various reasons. In the cold weather, they become a great facility. However, according to statistics, they are prone to downtime because of heavy usage. When there is any problem in the system, you need to call the repair company and get it on.

Sometimes, the expenses and efforts in bringing the system up and running are more than replacing it. Therefore, it is essential to understand first whether you should go for repair or replacement.

How will you do that? Well, in this blog you will get some insights.

3 signs your hot water system needs replacing

Age of the system

Before you dial the contact number of the best plumber in Adelaide to repair the system, it is important to check the installation date of your system. Thus, you will know how old it is. Water heating systems usually last up to 10 years. If your system is older than that, then better replace it.

Technology changes quite fast and the system becomes old and outdated. Sometimes, you do not get spare parts to replace them.

Since repair or replacement of a hot water system is not as simple as calling a blocked drains plumber in Adelaide, you must pay attention to it.

You see an increase in the energy bill

When you notice that you have to turn the temperature nob more to get the desired temperature.

It means the energy efficiency of your system has gone down.

If it is happening for the first time, then you may take a chance and call a company that offers repair of hot water system in Adelaide.

But when it happens repeatedly, then it is better to get a new system. Otherwise, you will spend money on repairs and heavy energy bills also.

Cost and frequency of repair

As mentioned before, you have to be calculator while calling a repair company. Some issues are easy to resolve, and they are not expensive. But issues like a problem in the thermostat or pipe relining are expensive in Adelaide.

There is a thumb rule for calculation. It is called the 50 Percent Rule. It says that that if any repair costs 50% of what it would cost to replace, then you should replace it, rather than repair it.

Has your water heater broken down frequently in recent times, say that past two years? Is it nearing the end of its expected life? If yes, it indicates that further repairs might not be worth it.

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