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Let’s Talk Home Building – The Missing Middle

Let’s Talk Home Building – The Missing Middle

When you talk about Missing middle housing, it refers to housing types that fall somewhere in between single-family homes and mid-rise apartment buildings.

A few examples of it are duplexes, triplexes, or townhomes. Even the courtyard clusters also fall into the same category.

What is the advantage of Missing middle housing when a builder in Bundaberg introduces that? It helps localities increase the availability of low-cost housing types. It increases density a little but supports vibrant and walkable, more inclusive neighborhoods.

Looking at these many benefits, this housing type is certainly an important component of the housing stock. It brings sufficient diversity.

Due to their affordability, this type of housing has gained popularity.

Benefits of Missing Middle Housing

Today, when a builder in Bundaberg offers Missing middle housing, it has a range of benefits.

Investing in missing middle housing can increase the housing supply. It can create more affordable housing options. And it promotes walkability and density.

Builders offer more diverse housing options for residents.

Higher supply of affordable housing

One of the major benefits of constructing missing middle housing is its affordability, especially, for single-family homes. Their smaller size means the cost per unit construction is also lower.

When missing middle housing is developed instead of single-family homes by Bundaberg builder, it helps localities expand their overall housing supply. It is a critical strategy for alleviating price pressures across the housing market.

It encourages residential density &walkability

Missing middle housing can help to gently increase residential density in single-family residential neighborhoods.

These housing types can be a valuable choice for infill development. Because it will help localities to expand their housing supply without the need for adding infrastructure.

They have a smaller footprint. Its wide range of configurations makes it further adorable. It can be stacked, clustered, or side-by-side.

Even the irregularly-shaped or small lots can also be utilized that would otherwise remain underutilized or vacant.

These housing types can be useful in creating additional residential density near retail corridors and transit hubs, or jobs.

They meet market demand

Apart from affordability, there is one more important benefit of missing middle housing for homeowners and renters. They can provide an attractive option for seniors who want to stay in their community but at a low cost. And it is useful for first-time buyers also.

Thus, the Missing Middle housing brings a plethora of advantages for both residents and the community.

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