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How do You know when your Car needs a Service?

car service Adelaide

4 Signs Your Car Needs a Service

When you have a car, it is essential to keep it in the good health. Just like our body, you must maintain the car. Especially, if you use the car extensively, then it is all the more required to meet the best car service Adelaide.

How will you decide that you should take the car to the mechanic? Should you do it after a fixed interval? Well, it depends on many things.

As far as preventive maintenance is concerned, you can fix the frequency based on the condition of the car. But there are some situations that indicate the immediate need to meet a car service center.

Here we tell you some situations that indicate this.

#1. Warning lights of your car flash

Nowadays, cars have become intelligent. They have a system to tell you about what is wrong with the vehicle. The sign ‘Check Engine’ flashes on the dashboard.

If it happens, then go to the nearest car service Adelaide immediately.

#2. Engine light flashes

Some cars have a service light. It will tell you when the next service is due. Does your car have any such flashlight upon the meter? If yes, then you must take note of it. There could be several problems that require immediate action.

#3. Uncomfortable drive

If you drive the car daily, then you immediately sense any abnormal behavior. Whenever there is a feeling of discomfort while driving, you must take the car to a car service Adelaide.

According to experts, one should always trust the ‘gut feeling’. Your sixth sense indicates that something is wrong with the car that requires diagnosis.

For example, unusual vibration or noise. Is there any unwanted vibration or shudder? Is there any whining sound? Is there any unusual noise from the exhaust?

Do you hear some metal crashing sound?

Always be attentive and alert for any weird noise. Do not waste time and reach the nearest car service company.

#4. Check the car exhaust

Is there any white smoke from car exhaust? Well, it could be due to any reason. There are many reasons behind it.

Your engine oil seals might have been damaged or worn. It could be a head gasket failure or any other problem.

The blog covers a few indicative problems. It is not a list of all possible problems. You should be careful while driving the car. Keep a close watch on the abnormalities and act fast if you find any.

Pulse Automotive Services Pty Ltd commenced business in 1995 in Norwood. We saw a need to provide the professional car service of a dealership with the friendly personal touch of the car service independent automotive repairer. Our customers choose us as their go-to mechanic Adelaide because we make it our mission to go above and beyond. Pulse Automotive Services employs specialist personnel from all relevant fields to provide first class car service to you.

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